submitting- Draft State Policy – Protection &Rehabilitation – survivors of trafficking –Reg.,
VIMUKTHI is a state level forum/collective of rescued survivors of trafficking and victims of Commercial Sexual Exploitation (CSE)/women in prostitution working for their holistic development with key focus on their socio-economic empowerment. The collective is working in collaboration with various line department, women and child protection mechanisms, statutory bodies as well as like minded NGOs and CBOs to facilitate effective service delivery to the rescued survivors of trafficking and victims of Commercial Sexual Exploitation in terms of their rehabilitation, social entitlements and legal aid including accessibility to the benefits from existing welfare schemes and other state support services.
In this context, VIMUKTHI has conducted a study through filing RTI on the status of rehabilitation and other support services as per GO.Ms.No:1/2003 to the rescued survivors of trafficking and victims of CSE among shelter homes in Andhra Pradesh. Through the findings from the said study and by the RTI responses of the government, VIMUKTHI prepared an analysis report (attached for your kind reference)and found that, at least 20% of the rescued survivors have not been availed with necessary support services as part of their rehabilitation among shelter homes. Moreover, the perception of the authorities reflected that, the existing practice of institutionalisation of the rescued survivors among shelter homes for longer periods itself is the sole means of their rehabilitation.
In fact, there is a GO named GO.MS. No. 1 of 2003 for the exclusive purpose of rehabilitation of rescued survivors of trafficking and victims of Commercial Sexual Exploitation issued by the Dept. of Women Development and Child Welfare, Govt. of A.P. It was well implemented till 2012 and became almost inactive/inoperative right from 2014 bifurcation of the Andhra Pradesh as well as Telangana (since the GO issued at the time of united Andhra Pradesh). This difficulty caused to lives of scores of rescued survivors in Andhra Pradesh so pathetic and extremely vulnerable. Even they don’t aware of the existing schemes and support services available for them for their welfare and development.
As you know very well in recent past the Honb’le High court of Andhra Pradesh directed the Govt of Andhra Pradesh, submitting a state policy and protection and rehabilitation of rescued Survivors of Human Trafficking. Being a state level collective working with for the holistic development and empowerment of Survivors of Trafficking and Victims of Commercial Sexual Exploitation in the state of Andhra Pradesh. We herewith prepared a draft Policy with the lived experiences and challenges being faced by our survivors which is attached for your kind reference and consideration.
Hence, VIMUKTHI humbly request to Principal Secretary, Dept of Women Development and Child Welfare, Govt of AP to take in to the consideration of the issues and challenges being faced by the rescued survivors of trafficking and victims of CSE and kindly incorporate the suggestions/recommendation from the draft policy document attached for your kind reference and worth perusal. We further request you to please take in to the consideration of framing a new state policy incorporating the model of Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) for effective rehabilitation of rescued survivors of trafficking in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
It would be so useful if a meeting is convened involving the rescued survivors of trafficking and also the NGOs/CBOs working on similar issues that ensure bringing up an effective state policy on protection and rehabilitation of rescued survivors of trafficking and victims of CSE.